2015년 5월 7일 목요일

RIPPLE TEABAGS HANG [Teabags with messages that use pop-up structure] _2014


     Teabags with messages that use pop-up structure.     

Ripple Teabags hang is product,
named "Teapop Travel" was exhibited at TENT LONDON 2013.

We launch now!!

So we changed name, "Teapop travel" to "Ripple Tea Hang"
And changed brend name, "ATTA" to "RIPPLE DESIGN STUDIO"

Let me show our RIPPLE TEA HANG's variety version.

                First, To You.

                Second, Hello, Today. 

                Third, A little joy. 

Then, how to use our teabags hang?

Each have story.
So you can enjoy the tea with the story :)

Have a nice Tea-time!!

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